Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Cleaning Equipment and the Environment

Executive Summary


The risk of hospital acquired infection (HAI) from the care environment is ever-present within the clinical environment. Sites close to the patient (the patient zone) and frequently touched surfaces have been identified as areas where there is increased contamination.

Cleaning of the environment is of the utmost importance if spread of infection is to be minimised. All health care workers (HCW’s) involved in cleaning, must be aware of their role and responsibilities towards patient safety in respect of infection prevention and control.

This policy highlights the actions necessary to sustain a clean environment and the appropriate use of disinfectants in NHS Lothian to minimise the risk of healthcare associated infection.

Aim of the guidance
The aim of this document is to provide a reference document for staff regarding the cleaning of the environment and equipment. It is developed in line with statutory requirements.

Key Objectives
This document supports maintenance of high standards of cleanliness and the effective delivery of patient care. It will:

    • Ensure consistency across NHS Lothian
    • Minimises the risk of cross infection
    • Describes best practice
    • Ensures safety
    • Minimises adverse events