Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Emergency Department Signposting

Executive Summary

Attendances at Emergency Departments have increased over the last decade. It is recognised that some of these attendees do not require emergency care and that care could, and should, be more appropriately provided.

A significant proportion of Emergency Department attendances are for conditions which may be better managed by pharmacists, GPs, or other members of the primary care team, or by patients themselves.

Signposting aims to ensure Emergency Department attendees are appropriately reviewed in line with their presentation. These processes also reduce the potential for crowding in Emergency Departments by maximising use of safe alternatives for attendees to access care.

The purpose of signposting is not to turn attendees away from the Emergency Department, but to direct them, where appropriate, to an area/service where their healthcare need may be best met, minimising the risk to them and others.

This policy promotes the delivery of safe, effective, person-centred, care on a 24/7 basis by ensuring the public have access to the best clinical advice and care, from the right professionals at the right time, reducing unnecessary waits and delays; Right Care, Right Place, Right Time.