Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Interpreting and Translation

Executive Summary

The purpose of this document is to set out a policy to ensure that people who have limited ability to communicate in English are nonetheless able to receive high quality health care and to access all NHS Lothian services effectively.

NHS Lothian is committed to providing excellent health care services.  We want to ensure that all patients and public can access our services effectively and efficiently.

Within this policy the term Limited English Proficient is used. This is defined as being unable to speak, read, write or understand English at a level that permits an individual to interact effectively with health care providers or social service agencies. This term highlights the fact that people communicate at different levels within different contexts.  The ability to communicate adequately in one context is no guarantee that an individual can communicate adequately in another.

Communication presents a major barrier to accessing health care for people who are Limited English Proficient due to impairment or because their first language is not English.  Equally, communication difficulties present healthcare staff with barriers to the delivery of safe, effective, patient focused care.  This has major implications for healthcare quality, governance and risk management.

It is clear from healthcare research and the level of complaints throughout the NHS generally, that even when two people share the same language and culture there can be misunderstandings.  The potential for misunderstandings and subsequently poor quality care and clinical errors is greater still when they do not share language and culture.