Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Patient Carer Administration of Subcutaneous Intermittent Medication (Adult Palliative Care)

Executive Summary

This policy aims to support patients, and or carers, to administer prescribed subcutaneous medication by intermittent injections, if they wish to do so, in order to facilitate effective symptom control in community settings. This has been developed in partnership with NHS Lothian, Marie Curie Hospice and St Columba’s Hospice and reflects clinical evaluation, current guidelines, expert consensus and feedback from staff, patients and carers. The policy details information regarding the scope, roles, and responsibilities, partnership with NHS Lothian, Marie Cure Hospice and St Columba’s Hospice and reflects clinical evaluation, current guidelines, expert consensus and feedback from staff, patients and carers. The policy details information regarding the scope, roles, responsibilities, and this policy aims to support patients, and or carers, to administer prescribed subcutaneous medication by intermittent injections, if they wish to do so, in order to facilitate effective symptom control in community settings. This has been developed in partnership eligibility exclusion criteria and associated documentation.