Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Public Protection

Executive Summary

Public Protection is about preventing harm to vulnerable groups within society. It is an issue of fundamental importance to NHS Lothian. It remains a top priority and one of our most challenging areas of work.

There are clear links to be made across a range of service areas that relate to public protection:
– Child Protection
– Adult Support & Protection
– MAPPA (Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements for the management of sexual and/or violent offenders)
– Violence against Women and Girls
– Alcohol, Drugs, and other Substance Use

As the provider of universal health services, any member of staff may be the first to become aware of risk of harm. All children, young people and adults at risk have a fundamental right to be protected and safe. It is the responsibility of all staff to be alert to circumstances which might place them at risk of abuse or neglect and know what action they need to take if they have a concern.

NHS Lothian has an essential role in preventing and reducing the risk of abuse or neglect. There is a commitment to ensuring that all staff are confident and competent to undertake their role in identifying and responding appropriately to concerns.