Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Radiation Protection

Executive Summary

NHS Lothian will ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of members of the public, of its employees and of outside workers working on the premises who may be exposed to the hazards arising from the use of ionising radiation.

NHS Lothian will ensure that:

1. the use of radiation complies with relevant legislation and with approved codes of practice issued by HSE, SEPA and other statutory bodies;
2. the radiation dose to staff and members of the public is kept as low as reasonably practicable;
3. sources of ionising radiation are held securely in accordance with current permits and releases of radioactive materials to the environment are properly controlled;
4. radiation doses to patients are optimised and as low as reasonably practicable, consistent with the clinical aim;
5. radiotherapy doses are optimised, maintaining the doses to tissues outside the target volumes as low as reasonably achievable consistent with the clinical aim.