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Safe Use of PIS

Executive Summary

The Prescribing Information System (PIS) is a software package that enables authorised NHS staff to access the full NHS Lothian prescription database, including patient level information, remuneration data and e-pharmacy data. The PIS is created by the payment processing of prescriptions by the Practitioner Services Division of NHS National Services Scotland (NHS NSS). PSD are responsible for the processing and pricing of all prescriptions dispensed in the community in Scotland.PIS is accessed through a web based portal known as SAP Business Objects. NHS NSS is responsible for the output data.

The PIS offers a unique opportunity as work on epidemiology of multimorbidity highlights the importance of medicines as indicators of co-morbidity. There will be opportunities for the prescribing dataset to be used, as other patient level datasets are, to link with TRAK and assess patient outcomes.

The NHS Scotland Information Assurance Strategy emphasises that Boards need to focus on using the information they hold wisely and well, as well as responsibly and with care. In this context Boards recognise the importance of the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information as well as their duty of care.