Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Soft Restraints and Safer Holding System

Executive Summary

The safer holding system and soft restraints is a form of mechanical restraint which can be used to control and manage violent and aggressive or serious self injurious behaviour. The implementation and use of soft restraints and safer holding system is intended to reduce the length of time physical restraint and seclusion is used and to reduce restrictive practice and to improve the safety and security of both patients and staff. It is envisaged that the application of these restraints will lead to fewer patient and staff injuries and will address a number of issues around trauma and dignity, also around religious and cultural beliefs. This will also allow for a less combatative way of beginning the de escalation process following an incident. This will apply to staff working in areas identified where the application of these restraints is seen as a required option and staff trained will be at the service managers discretion. They will also ensure the safe transfer of individuals to other secure facilities to allow for less traumatic transfers. It can also be considered in the case of administering life saving treatment as well as gaining vital samples for determining a persons physical health.