Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Transport (non NHSL Patients)

Executive Summary

All NHS Lothian patients travelling to a hospital outwith the Lothian area are entitled to either reimbursement of their travelling expenses, ambulance transport if the patient meets the assessment criterion or to have transport provided to The Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Rosshall Hospital and Nuffield Hospital from the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh or St John’s Hospital, Livingston.

The aim of this policy is to provide a robust framework for the safe transportation of patients and to provide guiding principles to the provider, patients and staff.

Policy Objectives

  • Set the standards and procedures to be followed in relation to provision of transport for NHS Lothian patients
  • Affirm the importance of the non Lothian hospital multi-disciplinary team working in conjunction with NHS Lothian staff to meet national standards
  • Provide  a  consistent, co-ordinated  approach  while  maintaining the  needs of  the individual patient