Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Ventilation Systems

Executive Summary

In healthcare premises, ventilation plant is commonly used to closely control the environment and air movement in a localised space and may be critical for the safe and effective provision of healthcare. This is for both the comfort of occupants in the buildings and to contain, control and reduce hazards to patients, staff and visitors from airborne contaminants including, dust and harmful microorganisms (infection control). NHS Lothian recognises its responsibilities under health & safety legislation and the duty to protect, so far as is reasonably practicable, all patients, employees, contractors, students, voluntary workers and members of the public (including visitors) from injury or harm resulting from any failure in the management of its ventilation systems. The management of ventilation systems within all NHS Lothian controlled and maintained properties requires systematic maintenance and examination to ensure there is suitable and adequate protection from airborne infections. There is a need to have in place a suitable maintenance programme to ensure that there are suitable and sufficient controls to prevent airborne contaminants affecting vulnerable patients.