Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Wireless Access (Sick Kids Friends Foundation)

Executive Summary

Key Messages
The purpose of this policy is to set out the key principles which apply to the management of wifi access and loan of devices for RHSC patients and their families provided by Sick Kids Friends Foundation (SKFF) at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children.

The service is managed by SKFF which offers Internet access to children and young people via iPads and laptops provided by the Sick Kids Friends Foundation. It also covers access by parents and children using their own devices.

This policy applies to all families and staff using the system.

The policy ensures that:
appropriate levels of security are in place to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information; parents, guardians and employees are aware of the limits of their authority and the levels of their accountability for their actions.

Minimum Implementation Standards
SKFF should have local dissemination and implementation plans in place to ensure all staff who come into contact with IT or other electronic equipment are familiar and adhere to all aspects of this policy.
This includes non clinical areas and non clinical staff at all locations within NHS Lothian.