Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Alarm System and Emergency Response

Executive Summary

Key Messages

• This policy aims to ensure that all wards and departments have a system in place to summon assistance in the event of an emergency.
• Where alarm systems are deemed a reasonable control measure they will be implemented according to a clear local procedure.
• All staff must be aware of the requirement within this policy and local procedures. Staff must comply fully to ensure that safety is maximised for all involved in the event of an emergency situation.

Standards Required

• Risk assessment will be conducted in relation to response to emergency situations and appropriate systems implemented.
• Where alarm systems are operational a robust procedure will be implemented to ensure safe and effective use of the system.
• All staff will be fully cognisant of and competent in the implementation of the alarm system and emergency response procedure.
• Implementation and effectiveness of the procedures will be monitored, reviewed on an on going basis.