Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Death in Hospital

Executive Summary

NHS Lothian is committed to ensuring that patients who die in inpatient settings receive high quality, person-centred and dignified care after death, and that their families are well supported. This policy applies to multi-disciplinary staff who, by virtue of their professional roles and responsibilities, may be involved in the care of people who have died, and their families.

The policy confirms that the personal, spiritual, faith and cultural values, beliefs and identity of the deceased person must be respected if known, and followed where possible. People who are bereaved following a death in hospital must receive information, care and support appropriate to their needs and circumstances. Death certification and notifications must be completed promptly, accurately and effectively in order to ensure a smooth process and prevent further distress to people who have been bereaved.

The policy is supported by NHS Lothian’s Death in Hospital procedures, which provides detailed guidance for staff involved in caring for deceased patients and supporting bereaved families.