- Executive Summary
- Policy
- Procedures
- Guidelines
- Forms & Charts
- Associated Material
- Patient Information
Executive Summary
NHS Lothian has a Delegation of Care Policy for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs). The document is based on national guidance and good practice from the relevant professional bodies and should be consulted for full details. This summary document sets out the key points for staff to consider and this, along with the full guidance document, will support staff, enabling them to carry out their responsibilities effectively and completely.
- The delegation of care by nurses, midwives and AHPs must be appropriate, safe and in the best interests of the patient.
- The decision whether or not to delegate an aspect of care is the responsibility of the nurse, midwife or AHP and is based on their professional judgement.
- The nurse, midwife or AHP is responsible for his/her own actions and omissions, but not responsible for the actions of others in carrying out the delegated task.
- The delegated task must not be outwith the scope of practice of the person being delegated to.
- The person being delegated to must have the knowledge, skills and experience to carry out the task safely and effectively.
- The delegating nurse, midwife or AHP must give appropriate supervision.
- The decision making process relating to delegation, should be clearly documented.
Forms & Charts
Associated Material
Patient Information