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Falls Prevention Management of Adult Inpatients Policy

Executive Summary

Key Messages

  • All NHS Lothian staff must be vigilant and ensure if there is evidence of floor contaminants that arrangements are put in place to ensure that they are cleaned up as soon as possible.
  • All NHS Lothian staff must ensure any trip hazards that they are aware of are wherever possible removed and if the risk is significant reported to their Line Manager.
  • As part of the floor covering criteria decision making process and to assist with engineering out the slip risk, NHS Lothian will make use of and comply with the Scottish Health Technical Memorandum 61.
  • As part of the risk assessment process an assessment will be undertaken on the individual task, environment and surrounding work activities that may contribute towards a slip, trip or fall.
  • Where the slip, trip and fall risk is greater in for example kitchens, operating theatres, and domestics service tasks, more detailed procedural controls should be implemented.
  • There will be consultation and involvement with staff and partnership health and safety representatives in the risk assessment process.
  • Patient Falls – A clinical falls risk assessment should be completed for individuals who have fallen, or who may have the potential to fall and the findings recorded on the Patient Falls Risk Assessment documentation.
  • All adverse events involving slips, trips and falls are to be recorded and investigated in line with the NHS Lothian Adverse Event Management Policy.
  • NHS Lothian Health & Safety Committee will be informed of policy compliance as part of the information provided by the local Health and Safety Committees through the quarterly performance measurement updates.