Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Health and Safety

Executive Summary

The aim of this policy is to set a clear direction for NHS Lothian to follow and aims to reflect the organisations overall values and beliefs. It provides the framework in which the statutory requirement to manage for health and safety is integrated into everyday business and becomes core to the service NHS Lothian provides. The arrangements to achieve this include the following:

  • NHS Lothian has in place a health and safety management system to implement the health and safety policy which is proportionate to the hazards and risks.
  • NHS Lothian has identified 12 key health and safety risks to staff and patients that require management and control. These risks are reviewed and where required updated annually.
  • Health and Safety related policies are in place to assist with the reduction and control of those key risks.
  • An Annual Health and Safety Plan is in place and it is monitored on a quarterly basis by the line management functions.
  • Providing all staff with information, education, instruction and training to allow them to undertake their roles with minimal risk to their or others safety and health.
  • That NHS Lothian has in place a framework of Health and Safety Committees that promotes consultation and governance. The Committee function also assists with supporting the risk management system to help ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of staff.