Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Health Surveillance

Executive Summary

Key Messages

NHS Lothian shall ensure that suitable precautions are taken to ensure the health and wellbeing of NHS Lothian staff (and other persons by prior arrangement) working for or using its premises in order to fully comply with legal requirements and its general duty of care.

Certain statutory legislation includes a requirement for staff exposed to specific health risks to undergo periodic health checks, where checks are required by appropriate legislation these are defined in law as statutory health surveillance. See Section 5.0 for the full range of relevant legislation.

Following suitable and sufficient risk assessment to confirm the need for health surveillance, NHS Lothian shall ensure that there is an appropriate and effective system in place for the statutory health surveillance of those members of NHS Lothian staff exposed to specific physical, mechanical, chemical or biological hazards within the course of their employment.

This policy shall be supported by subject specific procedure documents that must be read in conjunction with this policy and shall provide relevant management with clear and concise instructions on their role with respect to the different categories of health surveillance (skin health, vibration, hearing etc.).

NHS Lothian managers and staff shall fully comply with the content of this policy and participate in the recording (on Datix) and investigation of occupational health related incidents in accordance with the NHSL Adverse Event Management Policy. This will include the reporting of certain adverse events relating to occupational illness as RIDDOR events to the HSE, subject to advice from NHS Lothian Health and Safety Services.

The Director of Occupational Health and Safety Services (OHSS) shall ensure (primarily through identification of key roles and responsibilities), that critical activities pertaining to the Health Surveillance Policy are undertaken and that documentation is in place to record and administer the health surveillance system. Such documents will be held in accordance with relevant document control and retention policies applicable for both NHS Lothian and UK/Scottish Governments, including those pertaining to confidentiality and legal considerations.