Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Infant Feeding

Executive Summary

The Infant Feeding policy aims to support families to build close and loving relationships and respond to their baby’s needs however they decide to feed their baby in hospital and community settings. This has been developed by a steering group from across settings and disciplines and reflects the current evidence base, guidelines and feedback from staff and families.

The policy details information regarding the UNICEF Baby Friendly care standards and NHS Lothian’s commitment to deliver these, the context and the roles and responsibilities for managers and staff including education and training required.

It is essential that all staff supporting pregnant women, new mothers, infants and their families are competent to do so and supported through clear processes and training to deliver the UNICEF Baby Friendly standards of care. This policy accompanies the detailed procedural Infant Feeding Guideline (version 1:2018-2021) and the Neonatal infant Feeding Guideline (version 1:2018-2021).