Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Lifts Management

Executive Summary

This document describes the systems and processes required for the maintenance and safe operation of passenger and goods lifts. Application of the Policy will ensure that NHSL meets their statutory duties and operates within approved safety standards and codes of Practice.

1. Within any client (NHS Lothian) /contractor relationship both parties have duties under health and safety law.

2. Lift contractors can be engaged across all Services and the requirements are applicable whenever this occurs.

3. All NHS Lothian line managers involved in the contracted work will ensure that measures are in place to ensure full cooperation by all those involved.

4. NHS Lothian as the client must decide what is needed to do to effectively manage and supervise the work of lift contractors. The more impact the lift contractor’s work could have on the health and safety risks of anyone likely to be affected, the greater the management and supervisory responsibilities of the lift contractor and NHS Lothian.

5. ALL Contractors must follow NHS Lothian Control of Contractors Policy and be sufficiently inducted on each site.

Minimum Implementation Standards

1. The department/area has directed this policy and associated procedure to its managers and employees who are regularly involved in developing policies and procedures.

2. The department has assurance from those employees that they have read and understood this procedure

3. The department has a process to systematically consider the relevance of existing/ new/ or revised policies to employees in their area.  

4. All employees in the department are clear as to the policies and procedures that they are required to read and implement as part of their duties.

All departments establish processes to be assured that they implement policies that apply to them, and act to ensure that compliance is achieved, and that there is reduced variation in practice.