Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Liquid Nitrogen

Executive Summary

Key Messages

  • Wherever possible consider tasks where liquid nitrogen is used, that it is replaced with a less harmful substance.
  • Where the above is not possible, ensure through engineering controls, supported by the use of personal protective equipment, that staff and others are not harmed in the use, transport and storage of liquid nitrogen.
  • Risk assessments must be completed by those responsible for the tasks that involve the use, transporting and storage of liquid nitrogen.
  • Systematic monitoring checks on the controls identified during the risk assessment process must be in place and implemented.

Implementation Standards


  • The manager has identified the employees in his or her area to whom the policy applies and has given the policy (or selected excerpts) to them.
  • The manager has assessed the impact of the policy on current working practices, and has an action plan to make all necessary changes to ensure that his or her area complies with the policy.
  • The manager has set up systems to provide assurance to him or her that the policy is being implemented as intended in their area of responsibility.


  • The employee has read the policy (or selected excerpts) and considered what it means for him or her, in terms of how to conduct their duties.
  • The employee has completed any mandatory education or training that may be required as part of the implementation of the policy.
  • The employee has altered working practices as expected by the policy.

Legislation & Standards

  • This policy was prepared for publication in January 2015 and reviewed in August 2017. After this date, readers should ensure that they use the latest or new edition of all relevant Legislation, British Standards etc which may post-date the publication of this document.