Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Physical Security

Executive Summary

This policy aims:

  • To ensure that we can provide a secure and safe environment within which our staff can provide all the services necessary for the delivery of healthcare.
  • To establish the procedures which we will use as far as possible to safeguard our staff, patients and the public and our assets against any threat, loss, theft, damage or disruption.
  • The prevention of crime to persons and property including activities which could cause a physical risk to staff, service user, property or our reputation.
  • To ensure compliance with the required Security Services Standards.
  • To implement the recommendations from the 2022 NHS Lothian Security Review

NHS Lothian will adopt a proactive approach in providing the level of protection necessary to achieve the above aims, adopting an approach that includes; ensuring a security culture and a suitable level of security awareness among all levels of staff through progression of the recommendations from the Security Review; the provision and maintenance of security systems deemed necessary, following the appropriate risk assessment process; and ensuring a high level of competency of all staff directly engaged in the provision of security services.