Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Security and Supervision of Prisoners

Executive Summary

There are 2 prisons in the Lothian health board area, HMP Edinburgh and HMP Addiewell and NHS Lothian on occasions provides treatment within hospital settings to patients who are prisoners from these establishments.

It is the responsibility of NHS Lothian to provide at all times a safe environment for staff, patients and members of the public and therefore NHS Lothian will work closely with the Prison Escort Contractor to ensure appropriate security of NHS Lothian is maintained at all times.

NHS Lothian clinical staff, in liaison with prison-based healthcare staff, should also consider whether the consultations could be carried out in the Prison Health Centre.

This policy excludes prisoners on a Transfer for Treatment Directive (TTD) or on Sections 52, 53, and 54 of the Criminal Procedure Scotland Act.

The responsibility for the security and safety of the prisoner rests at all times with Prison/G4S staff*. The term custody staff is used throughout the document to refer to either G4S or prison staff.

*HMP Edinburgh is operated by Scottish Prison Service, HMP Addiewell is operated by Sodexo Justice Services and the Prison Escort Contractor is G4S.