Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Smoke Free Grounds

Executive Summary

The Smoke Free policy sets out the aims of NHS Lothian to:

  • Improve the health of all users of NHS Lothian services by protecting people from the dangers of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
  • Improve patient safety by reducing the risk of smoking-related post-operative complications, including slow healing and healthcare associated infections, through stopping while unwell or recovering.
  • Challenge expectations about smoking on hospital grounds while making it easier for patients, staff, and visitors to comply with Smoke Free Grounds Policy.
  • Highlight stop smoking support provided by Quit Your Way for NHS Lothian patients, visitors, or staff who wish to stop using tobacco.
  • Contribute to efforts to improve health and reduce health inequalities.
  • Ensure patients, staff and visitors are aware of the legal requirements about smoke free hospitals and the potential of fines for people caught smoking within 15 metres of hospital buildings