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Ventricular Access Device (Paediatrics)

Executive Summary

Children with shunted hydrocephalus are at a serious risk of morbidity and mortality from shunt dysfunction/block. Almost all the patients at NHS Lothian have a device (ventricular access device) that can be used to ascertain such shunt dysfunction as well as to relieve pressure until the patient is taken for definitive corrective procedure. This procedure saved life on many occasions and hence a critical skill.

In case of intractable ventriculitis, often in the context of infected ventricular-peritoneal shunt, antibiotics are administered intraventricularly (also termed intethecally). These procedures are performed occasionally but carry a significant risk and there is a need to maintain a cohort of professionals who adequately trained to maintain a safe service for these patients. This document, along with the accompanying documents, delineates the process, describes the indications, the details of the procedure and the competencies required to be achieved by the relevant professionals.