Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Food, Fluid and Nutrition

Executive Summary
Lothian NHS Board, referred to by it’s common name of NHS Lothian, recognises the importance and value of effective nutritional care and hydration as an essential part of clinical care, and recognises that it is an integral part of the work of many staff disciplines. Line managers have a particular role to play in developing a positive culture regarding nutritional care and hydration with staff. NHS Lothian expects the co-operation and involvement of all those working in the food chain (clinical and non-clinical) such as catering, domestic service, medical, nursing, allied health professional, portering, procurement and managerial staff.
Aim of the Policy

NHS Lothian’s principal concern is the delivery of safe and effective food, fluid and nutritional care that ensures the best possible clinical outcomes for patients, staff and visitors.

NHS Lothian will ensure that all individuals at greatest risk of malnutrition (overnutrition and undernutrition) are assessed and cared for without prejudice thereby helping to improve the quality of overall clinical care. By addressing the problem of malnutrition NHS Lothian will reduce inpatients stays and avoid complications associated with malnutrition.