Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online

Lone Working

Executive Summary

NHS Lothian recognises that some staff are required to work by themselves for brief or significant periods of time wither within a building or in the community, without close of direct supervision. Lone workers face the same hazards at work as anyone else, but there is a greater risk of these hazards causing harm as they may not have anyone to help or support them if things go wrong.

NHS Lothian as an organization recognises that staff are exposed to differing levels of risk whilst lone working and have varying levels of access to support due to 24/7 shift patterns, locations of work and other individual factors. To reflect this and to assist the risk assessment and risk reduction process, lone workers will be categorised as a Category 1 and a Category 2 lone worker.

Staff identified in the NHS Lothian Risk Assessment and Training Needs System, Violence and Aggression and Lone Working Tool (Purple Pack) as Category 1 and 2 Lone Workers will complete the Management of Aggression Team’s lone worker training.

Lone working staff will be supported by effective, documented and up to date local safe and well procedures. Where the risk control measures, and lone worker category identify the use of lone worker devices these will be provided by the Service.

Managers must monitor the implementation of, and local compliance with this policy and its associated procedure. Effectiveness of implementation and compliance should be reported via the local health and safety committees.