Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online


Executive Summary

This policy addresses the management of cardiac arrest, resuscitation, and medical emergencies, including definitions of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and when CPR may not be attempted (do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation; DNACPR). It is relevant to any member of staff within NHS Lothian who may find that they are required to provide resuscitation to a patient,visitor or colleague, or those who need to know how to access the resuscitation services. It should also provide assurance to the public that NHS-Lothian is a modern and ethical organisation in its approach to resuscitation.

It describes the key roles in a resuscitation service, and also the service management structure. A description of how an emergency team is contacted is given, particularly acknowledging the various sites within NHS-Lothian, as well as details of training, equipment, drugs, and auditing of cardiac arrest figures. An evidence base of best current practice is cited. This is in the interests of providing ethical as well as up-to-date care.