Policy Online NHS Lothian | Policy Online


Executive Summary

NHS Lothian incurs significant costs from the use of taxis and there are several alternative transport options available which should be explored before booking a taxi. The Flow Centre is accountable for all bookings and for providing regular updates to ward areas regarding costs.

When the need for transport arises, all efforts should be made to utilise the Board’s internal transport options in the first instance (a list of times and routine journeys covered by the various internal transport options is included in this policy).
Only in exceptional circumstances should taxis be used, and where all other means of transport are not possible. Staff will be required to justify the reason for booking a taxi.

Taxis may be required to facilitate the urgent discharge/transfer of patients, or to assist in the rapid transport of case notes/x-rays, specimens, staff, goods, or equipment as and when required. However, case notes, specimens, bloods, drugs etc. should not be moved routinely by taxi. Taxis should only be used to transport specimens etc. when the need is urgent as defined by the criteria detailed in this policy), and the timing is outside the scope of the Board’s daily internal transport runs. In all other circumstances the Board’s internal van service must be used.

It will continue to be reviewed informally on an annual basis and formally every three years.